Body Composition Analysis

The body composition analysis is made by analyzing the weight, fat, muscle, water rate, basal metabolism speed of the person and evaluating them according to her/his physical and nutrition status. The body composition of the patients is detected and interpreted by making measurements during the nutrition program.
The values such as total body fat percentage (%), total fat weight (kg), lean tissue rate and weight, total body water amount, basal metabolism speed (BMH), the energy that the body spends when resting (kcal-KJ), body mass index (BMI), visceral adiposity interval (the fat rate around the visceral organs of the body), metabolism age are detected in the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) device.
The fat rate of the person might be in different values depending on the age, height, sex, and weight. Muscle and fat rates in the areas such as right-left arms and legs, the abdominal region can also be seen in detail in the results. The measurement is interpreted by the dietician, your ideal weight is calculated and your personal healthy nutrition program is prepared after your doctor interview in our polyclinic. The BIA analysis is repeated with the opinion of our dietician and doctor once a week or once in 15 days. The changes in the nutrition plan are made in accordance with the results.
The BIA device is preferred more as compared to other complex methods intending to determine the body composition due to its simplicity to measure, portability, relatively lower price, and reliability.
The issues that must be considered before the analysis;
• Not consuming any food at least 4-5 hours before
• Not doing any intense exercise 12 hours before
• Not consuming the foods and beverages containing alcohol and caffeine within 24 hours
• It is important to make the measurements 3 hours after going to the toilet in the morning and at the same time for every analysis for the results to be evaluated accurately.
• The measurement results of children younger than 7, adults older than 70, first periods of the pregnancy, those living dependent on the dialysis, those who have a metal denture in their body, those with a cardiac pacemaker and those with edema cannot be seen accurately and as a certain value.