Premenstrual Syndrome And Nutrition

Menstruation is a situation that every woman experiences every month and unfortunately, this a period that decreases the quality of our life. It should not be forgotten that there are 200 different types of premenstrual syndrome and accordingly, different syndromes are being experienced every month in fact. Especially if you have a very good appetite if you’re too angry and in a situation that you cannot stand anything, if you are overwhelmed and tense, you might be one of the women that experience the premenstrual syndrome.
The estrogen hormone is at the lowest level in proportion to the progesterone hormone in the second half of the menstrual cycle (close to having the menstruation/period) and this period of time is the reason for changes in the mood and craving for foods and eating crises. Estrogen hormone affects the production of serotonin known as the “happiness hormone”. Low estrogen might be thought of as low serotonin. Low estrogen generally means incline to the foods rich in carbohydrates and sugar (for example chocolate).
Progesterone is another hormone that affects the good mood. When you’re stressed, this hormone decreases in your body. The balance between the estrogen and progesterone is very important since progesterone has a relaxing effect while serotonin makes the mood better. Shortly, these two hormones have an opposite but mutually complementary effect on the mood.

Making some changes in your nutrition and lifestyle to reduce the problems in this period might help you feel better:

Take a multivitamin containing folic acid, a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D every day.
• Do regular exercise. Keep in mind that the endorphin hormone being secreted during exercise will give happiness.
• Dried peach, dried grapes, dried plumb do not stimulate the insulin hormone with the natural sugar and fibers they contain and make you feel better.
• The proofs on the fact that the Omega-3 fatty acid in the fish oil helps the person even in the most depressive situations are increasing day by day. Consume more Omega 3 for stronger and brain health. Another source for this is walnut.
• A magnesium supplement may also be good. Increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables, whole grains, peanut, meat, starch, milk, nut, and almond.
• Do not forget drinking abundant water and reduce the salt when you feel too much swollen. If it is hard for you to drink water, add 1 bunch of parsley, half of one lemon, 1 stick cinnamon to 1,5 liters of water and boil. Try to consume this recipe.
• It is essential for those with anemia to increase the consumption of dried grapes, dried peach, and red meat as well as vitamin C.
• Stay away from sugar and sugary foods, caffeine, and alcohol.
• Take care of your sleeping pattern. Absolutely try to sleep for 8 hours and pay attention to eat frequently but with smaller portions.