Diabetes And Nutrition

Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) is a chronic metabolic disorder arising as a result of a complete or partial deficiency of the insulin hormone secreted from the beta cells of the pancreas, characterized with protein and fat metabolism disorders and continues lifelong. It has classical symptoms like polydipsia (drinking plenty of water), polyuria (urinating plenty), polyphagia (overeating), weight loss clinically.

Who are the people with diabetes disorder?

• People whose Hba1c value is over 6.5% in the tests,
• People whose pre-prandial blood sugar is found 126 mg/dl or above.
• People whose postprandial blood sugar is 140 mg/dl or above.

TYPE 1 DIABETES (Insulin-Dependent DIABETES Mellitus (IDDM))

Type 1 Diabetes is a metabolism disorder arising as a result of the fact that insulin hormone being secreted from the beta cells of the pancreas is completely not secreted and continuing for a lifetime. Especially;
• It is seen in children and teenagers
• It starts suddenly,
• The weight of the patients is generally normal.
• Insulin is produced too little or not at all
• It shows itself with symptoms like drinking plenty of water urinating plenty, overeating, weight loss

• It shows itself with symptoms like drinking plenty of water urinating plenty, overeating, weight loss

It is a metabolism disorder generally starting in the middle age period (40-65), arising as a result of the fact that insulin hormone being secreted from the pancreas is secreted insufficiently, seen more frequently especially in the people with chronic disorders. Especially;
• It is generally seen in the people over the age of 40.
• It is a disorder starting slowly.
• There is genetic susceptibility.
• Most of the diabetic patients are obese.
• The insulin is produced normal/little/too much.
• It generally shows itself with the symptom as not being able to lose weight.


* It forms the basis of the treatment for diabetic patients to have a healthy and quality lifestyle with a nutrition program prepared specially for the person. A well-prepared nutrition plan for diabetic patients is important for them to keep their blood sugar in the normal level.
* Since each person is different from each other, the diets of the diabetic people differ depending on their lifestyles. There isn’t only one type of diet for diabetic people.
* When preparing the nutrition plan, the most important point should be preserving the diabetic person’s body weight if there isn’t any contrary situation. Most of the Type 2 diabetes patients are obese persons.
* Their diet must include protein, carbohydrate, and fats in the levels that will meet their needs.
* Alcohol consumption must be limited.
* Simple sugar shouldn’t be consumed and complex sugars must be preferred instead of it.
* Dietary fiber is pretty important. The daily suggested amount is 25-30 grams.
* The intervals between the meals shouldn’t be too long. Because prolonged intervals cause hypoglycemia. 6-7 meals per day can be arranged.* It should be 5 meals at least.
* Exercise is also important in the treatment but it shouldn’t be too intense immediately, it should be started with light exercise and the intensity should be increased progressively. It is essential to certainly have some foods containing simple sugars against the risk of hypoglycemia during the exercise.
* When the nutrition plan is prepared in a sufficient and balanced way, the blood sugar stays in the normal level.
* Recovery has been seen in some disorders related to hypertension by helping some diabetic people have correct body weights.
For these reasons, the nutrition treatment in diabetes must start by consulting with the specialists for this issue.